Team Profile details

Demystifying the stock market. Use basic technical analysis to make smart trade decisions and grow rich!


  • Learn the difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis
  • Learn how to read basic stock charts and understand basic technical indicators
  • Learn how to make smart trade decisions using technical analysis

Dr Sen graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and has worked in the Emergency Department. He is the Co-Founder and Director of Eagles Landing Medical Centre in Maple, Ontario.

He completed his Mini MBA, Physician Leadership course from the Schulich School of Business, York University.

Dr Sen actively trades in the stock and options markets. He completed training and certification in fundamental and advanced technical analysis. He has studied under the mentorship of expert traders and has learned the art and science of day-trading, swing trading and position trading.

He is a Board Advisor in Investment Strategies for the Canadian Physicians’ Pension Fund.

Dr Sen’s other passions includes Provincial as well as Federal Politics and was elected to Council in the Ontario Medical Association. His other interests include the teaching of medical students, resident physicians and nurse practitioners in the community.